Monday, February 4, 2008

Amazing the blogosphere

I've always treasured my friends. Those near and far, current and over the years. But I never spent time with blogs because life is too busy already. Until BH used it to keep us informed.

Now there are people around the world who know the story of my sharp elbowed sometimes cranky usually brilliant friend and his wonderful wife and beautiful children. I'm torn between being thankful I'm not alone in my grief and the thought that you have had to experience this pain as well. But I know that care and empathy, being kind and showing love is healing.

If I could just hold your hands, look into your eyes and say "Thank you."
So I do.


Anonymous said...

That is beautiful, Ron. Thank you.

I am grateful to have been able to read BH's blog and to get to know him in a way.

I am very sad that he is gone and that he suffered so much from his illness.

I am glad that he was loved and I am sure that, in the midst of his suffering, there were many happy times.

I am also glad that he was able to die at home with those he loved at his side. It isn't always possible in all cases but I am glad it was possible for Brainy.

He was so young. Too young.

For someone who died so young, he certainly had an impact on a lot of people.

I am sorry for the pain and sorrow his family and friends are experiencing.

Josephine in Toronto

chicagomark said...

ron i can't watch youtube at work (blocked..) but i'll check this tonight.

in bh we learned about him, his struggle, his passion, etc.. we saw qualities of ourselves, we learned about ourselves, ... he reminded us of someone we know (in our own lives) and taught us about them. . he taught us compassion, empathy, i could go on and on.. but i think this is why so many people, on so many levels found something to hold onto for all these years.


Melinda said...

Hi Ron,

I can't seem to stop thinking about his story. Even after blogging about this myself, I still feel unsettled. Maybe this is just because it's so unfair that any person has to go through such a horrible illness. Maybe it's because I got to know him a little and realize what the world is now missing.

I hope you're finding some peace, Ron. Our prayers are with you too.

Boppa Divina said...

I'm so sorry you lost the presence of such a good friend, Ron, but I know he'll remain with you and with his other loved ones always.

Perfect YouTube offering! It brings back a lot of memories. And you know, it sounds as beautiful as ever. Now I'll always associate that song with BH, and with you, too. Thank you, again.

Be well, dear Ronolulu.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if brainhell would think it's cool to have a lot of us corresponding via blog into the future. maybe if we could all make entries here? or those of us who ask for permissions? or maybe a separate blog site?

Anonymous said...

i may be asking out of place and out of the question

Anonymous said...

I think that's a nice idea. Like I wrote in the greeting bit, I'm not sure how the blog thingee all works (permissions, designs, bells and whistles, sweet lil cappucino maker, that kine stuff).
Life is a celebration. Death of a loved one sucks. I cry, but then I dance to remember. Grandparents, friends, soldiers, all of them. Celebrate their lives. I think of Snoopy doing a happy dance. And I have another line that is a bit brutal, so I'll save it for later. What do you suggest?

Holly said...

Ron - I'm reaching over to take your hand. Aren't we lucky, really? We are here with friends. The truly sad people are the ones who never got to know BH or read his blog. So, even though it hurts and we ache ... together ... we are still so very lucky! Sending you love from Colorado. -Holly

Yankee, Transferred said...

Standing with you in your grief, Ron.

Holly said...

I imagine I am not alone in revisiting the blog archives and rereading. I was drawn today to November 2006. Now, I am recovering. Phew. That month seemed to "showcase" BH in all his truth. If I met a stranger who wanted to read this blog in a "condensed" form and get to know BH, I would direct that person to the posts from November of 2006. Man. My gut aches and those damned tissues are piling up beside me again. Ratty, please feel our love surrounding you, BH's wife and children. Droid and Ron, you are precious. Please feel our love and support. I am not sure where to post my comments these days. So, I will post this message in triplicate. Please forgive me for being redundant. Love to all of you from Colorado. -Holly